That's not professional. What are you going to do when you see clients?
Really? Blue?
Why blue?
What is going on with you?
I hope that's not permanent.
And so on...
For those of you who have been supportive and complimentary, THANK YOU!! It is very encouraging and reassuring. Because, although I did not get it for your approval, your approval is certainly icing on the cake!
Now, for the rest of you, here is what is going on. Nothing. I just wanted blue hair. Maybe that has never happened to you before: waking up and wanting a change bad enough to make it happen for yourself but fortunately or unfortunately, it happens a lot to me. I don't know why. I've kind of always been this way. But when I've made the change I wanted, I cannot think of a time that I've regretted it. I mean a change to myself. Like when I cut my hair for the first time. Or when I got a tattoo, shhh. You know? Those kinds of things.
As for my hair, I simply wanted a change. I got the feeling and knew exactly what I wanted to do, but I typically wait a bit to make sure the idea isn't just a vapor in the wind. If it sticks for a few weeks, then I do. If it doesn't, I probably forgot about it anyway. So there is the deep, grand, and so-very-interesting reason why I have blue hair. #sarcasm
I think it is reflective of me. Of my personality and so, if a client or any person for that matter, can't handle it, doesn't like it or judges me by it, then it is their loss. I'm over it. I think I'm pretty cool so if you don't want to be around me, I'm okay with that.
Anything you've thought about doing to yourself? Any changes you've wanted to make? If you haven't done them... why not?