Today was spent running around. I woke up and took
my daughter to school because the hubby had an appointment. Yeah, we were late
but I don’t stress about it anymore. I know it’s a big deal to many parents but
my philosophy is that the penalty isn’t great enough to convince me to
sacrifice my pleasant, cooperative, low key mornings for the hustle, bustle and
stress associated with saving a minute or two. But that’s just me… my husband
is on time, most of the time. I will give him that. We got to school and I
realized, I left my cell phone at home. So after I dropped her off, I headed
back home and called a friend. S lives in Texas but she used to live
here in Maryland so I miss her LOTS. We really needed a good “catch up” call
and we got it but I needed to start my day so I headed out and had to end our
fun talk.
My first stop was my girlfriend’s house to check on it since
she’s traveling out of the country. I just brought in the mail, disposed of the
dead flowers, emptied out the fridge, wiped down the dusty surfaces and took
the trash out to the dumpster. I got two phone calls while I was there which
slowed me down a bit – if you don’t know I really struggle to do more than one
thing at a time. Not all women are great multi-taskers, let’s debunk that grand
myth right now!
Before I left my girlfriend’s house to head to a few stores
for returns, I text my other girlfriend, Sharon. Sharon has been elusive lately
and boy did I recognize those signs. She was displaying all of the same
behaviors I demonstrated last year as a battled through depression. I became
reclusive and elusive. I got “quiet”, if that makes any sense. Boy had Sharon been quiet. I was concerned. I eventually harassed her enough to convince her
to join me for lunch. Went to TJ Maxx for a return, then to Ross Dress for Less
and returned 3 more things. While I’m on the topic, may I ask a question? Since
when did stores start putting time limits on returns WITH the original receipt?
What is that about?! If I bought it and I never used it and I paid for it, give
me my doggone money back, please and thank you. Geesh! Okay, stepping down from
soapbox now.
Sharon and I enjoyed Panera and good conversation. I love
her dearly. My friends are so simple yet complicated. But I’m glad they are in
my life. After Sharon and I finished we went to Wal-Mart where she made me
spend money unnecessarily… AGAIN. Smh… I really need to stop. I’m so ashamed.
But not quite ashamed enough to return everything so I guess we should move on.
After that, I went to the bank and then got home at 3:25pm. Seriously? I’ve
been gone all day and now I have to pick up the kid in like 15 minutes. Ever
had one of those days?
Even though I got a lot done, yet didn’t feel super
accomplished, the most important thing I did today was see, sit down with and
enjoy my friends S and Sharon. My friends are important to me. I am
fiercely loyal to them and watch out for them like a big brother should (except
you know I’m a female, right? Ok.) That time I spend with them is an investment
into our bond, our love for one another, our friendship. It is by far the best
investment I can offer because I can never get my time back once I’ve spent it. How I fill my time becomes a memory. So today, I created beautiful memories
and invested in my closest friends therefore, I have accomplished more than I
thought! I’m grateful.